Kahlil Gibran lahir di Bsherri, Lebanon, 6 Januari 1883. Dalam usia remaja bersama ibunya pindah ke Boston, Amerika Serikat. Setelah kembali ke Lebanon untuk mempelajari sastra Arab, mulai tahun 1905 karya-karyanya terbit dan menarik perhatian, terutama Sang Nabi. Ia memperluas pandangan sastra dan belajar melukis di Paris, kemudian menetap di New York, mendirikan studio "Pertapaan". Buku-bukunya yang terkenal selain Sang Nabi, juga Taman Sang Nabi, Pasir dan Buih, Sayap-Sayap Patah, Suara Sang Guru, Si Gila, Sang Pralambang, Sang Musyafir, dll. Ia meninggal 10 April 1931 karena sakit lever dan radang paru-paru.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

LOVE - The Forerunner Quotes


They say the jackal and the mole
Drink from the selfsame stream
Where the lion comes to drink.
And they say the eagle and the vulture
Dig their beaks into the same carcass,
And are at peace, one with the other,
In the presence of the dead thing.

O love, whose lordly hand
Has bridled my desires,
And raised my hunger and my thirst
To dignity and pride,
Let not the strong in me and the constant
Eat the bread or drink the wine
That tempt my weaker self.

Let me rather starve,
And let my heart parch with thirst,
And let me die and perish,
Ere I stretch my hand
To a cup you did not fill,
Or a bowl you did not bless.

By : Kahlil Gibran


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